
Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on marraskuu, 2022.
  PEDAGOGICAL PLANNING AND ASSESSMENT COMPETENCE: Assessment, evaluation and feedback     Competence goals : You understand the meaning and goals of assessment in the learning process.     We already had a chance to try assessment and feedback in practice at the last webinar, where we had to review our fellow-students’ blogs and give them feedback on them. Personally, I missed the webinar due to earlier commitments but instead opted to give feedback in written and audio form. This ended up being far hardest thing we’ve done on this OAMK course so far and also caused a lot of discussion and reflection in our first group planning session for the next webinar. We all agreed that this is an area of teaching where cultural differences can play a big role, as well as the experience of the teacher.   Goals and intended outcomes of assessment and feedback   Our team had a specific question to tackle, as always. This time it was to discuss the g...