
Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on helmikuu, 2023.
  Legislation and documents   Competence goals:   10. You understand how legislation obliges teachers to work in higher education.   11. You know which documents guide teaching, guidance, and assessment.   Teachers' work in vocational education and Universities of Applied Sciences is governed by the relevant legislations: Act of Vocational Training and the University of Applied Sciences Act. These laws include e.g. information on given degrees and their structure and length, the size/extent of the studies, learning goals of the studies, degree certificates and teacher qualification requirements to name few.  The contents and competence objectives of the courses leading to degrees are described in the curricula. Universities of applied sciences decide on the curricula and content of their courses. Curricula also has details on assessment and together with the learning goals guides teachers on their course planning. In the following I will examine some l...