Competence in Eco-social Culture and Sustainable future 13. You will understand the principles and values involved in eco-social understanding of culture and sustainable development. Autumn’s last teaching topic was Eco-social culture and sustainable development. A huge subject and certainly one that had out group scratching our heads possibly more than any of the previous teaching tasks. You as a teacher might wonder what has sustainable development got to do with pedagogical studies. Well, hopefully following our session all students had gained an understanding why. We discussed the sustainable development goals for education, how Agenda 2030 impacts, not only institutions, but also us individual teachers. We also gave participants some real life example on advancing the sustainability goals. Funnily enough just before the webinar, I was sitting in a large auditorium with my fellow research colleagues and one of the items on the agenda was to mingle wi...
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COMPETENCE IN WORKING LIFE COOPERATION AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP EDUCATION (3 CR) Competence goals: 17. You understand the importance of cooperation between an educational institution and working life. 18. You understand the importance of entrepreneurship education as part of a teacher’s job. For this topic, I co-operated with my co-student Majid. We approached this topic in two parts. First, I gave a brief introduction into Entrepreneurship education in vocational and higher education and also presented the real life examples from Seinäjoki UoAS. Following this Majid went deeper into the subject and discussed the importance of this from teacher’s and students’ point of view. Entrepreneurial landscape in Finland As a pretask we asked students to complete a short quiz on the entrepreneurial landscape in Finland. What we wanted everybody to understand is that most of the Finnish companies are very small, nearly 90% of all compani...